How To Listen To Audiobooks Free Online Stream Or Offline

Written By Robert Fabry Last updated: June 13, 2023

Are you looking for a convenient way to enjoy your favorite books while on the go or doing other activities? Audiobooks might just be the answer you're looking for. With their rising popularity, it's no wonder that more and more people are turning to audiobooks for entertainment and education. And the good news is, you can access a vast collection of free audiobooks online.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to listen to audiobooks free online stream your favorite book titles. We'll explore the benefits of audiobooks, explain how to listen to them online for free, and provide some legal and ethical considerations. So, whether you're a book lover, student, or just looking for a new way to pass the time, read on to discover the world of free audiobook streaming.

Contents Guide Part 1. What Are the Benefits of Audiobooks?Part 2. The Rise of Audiobook Streaming ServicesPart 3. Best Audiobook Services & Apps You Can TryPart 5. Best Way to Listen to Audible Books for Free OfflinePart 6. To Sum It All Up

Part 1. What Are the Benefits of Audiobooks?

There are lots of people who have fallen in love with audiobooks. Even though there are many people who still love ordering new print books from Amazon, there are some people who prefer an audible podcast over a physical book. Audiobooks give you another way to experience and enjoy books! So what are the advantages of listening to audiobooks? Here are some of the key advantages of listening to audiobooks:

Damage Free and Cost Effective

The biggest advantage is cost. Lots of online audiobook services give you the chance to listen to audiobooks free online stream for free. Audiobooks also have numerous providers and there’s a lot to choose from when it comes to which service to use. For example, Audible has some monthly plans which entitle you to credits per month which can be exchanged for any audiobook, whatever the price. This means you could save money on titles as print book prices have a wide range and can vary from a few dollars to tens of dollars.

It can be heart-wrenching when your favorite book gets ripped, wet, or starts to fall apart through the amount of use it’s had, but with an audiobook, there’s no cause for concern with damaging your book.


One of the main benefits of audiobooks is their convenience. Unlike traditional books, audiobooks can be listened to while doing other activities such as commuting, exercising, gardening, driving, or cooking. This allows you to maximize your time and accomplish more throughout the day.


Audiobooks are accessible to a wide range of people, including those with visual impairments or reading difficulties. They can also be a great resource for language learners who want to improve their listening and pronunciation skills.

Improved Comprehension

Research has shown that listening to audiobooks can improve comprehension and retention of information. This is because audiobooks engage multiple senses and allow the listener to visualize the story and characters in their mind.

Overall, the benefits of audiobooks make them a valuable addition to anyone's reading routine. Whether you're looking for convenience, accessibility, or educational value, audiobooks are a great way to enhance your reading experience.

Part 2. The Rise of Audiobook Streaming Services

With the increasing popularity of audiobooks, there has been a rise in audiobook streaming services that offer listeners access to a vast collection of audiobooks. Here are some of the different types of audiobook streaming services:

Subscription-Based Services

How to listen to audiobooks free online stream or offline? Subscription-based services like Audible, Scribd, and offer listeners access to a wide range of audiobooks with a monthly fee. These services often provide additional features like personalized recommendations, exclusive content, and discounts on audiobook purchases. Many of these services offer a free trial or some other incentive for signing up.

Free Services

There are also several free audiobook streaming services that offer a range of audiobooks for listeners to enjoy. These services include Librivox, Project Gutenberg, and Loyal Books. While these services may not offer the same selection or features as subscription-based services, they can be a great resource for those on a budget or looking to explore new titles.

Public Library Services

Many public libraries offer audiobook streaming services to their members for free. These services, like OverDrive or Hoopla, allow library members to borrow and stream audiobooks on their devices for a set period of time. This can be a great way to access popular titles without the cost of a subscription service.

Overall, the rise of audiobook streaming services has made audiobooks more accessible than ever before. Whether you're looking for a budget-friendly option or a wide selection of titles, there is a streaming service that can meet your needs.

Part 3. Best Audiobook Services & Apps You Can Try

Looking for audiobooks to listen to? Here are some of the top audiobook services for 2023 that allow users to listen to audiobooks free online stream or offline:


Audible is an audiobook service owned by Amazon that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. The app, available on Android and iOS, offers a perfect mix of simplicity and functionality, which takes your overall audiobook experience to the next level. It has handy narration speed and sleep timer options you can modify to your liking. You can even save any place in the audiobook and add notes for later.

While audiobooks can be purchased individually, most Audible users have a membership, for which there are two main types: Audible Plus - $7.95/month, or Audible Premium Plus - $14.95/month. Since Audible is also owned by Amazon, there are some great incentives to join if you’re already an Amazon Prime member. There are often deals that entitle you to free books if you sign up through your Prime membership, and they regularly run discounted membership deals.

Audible Plan

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a volunteer effort that works to digitize and archive cultural works, and, according to its founder, Michael Hart, it is here to “encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks”. Project Gutenberg was founded in 1971 and is the oldest digital library.

Project Gutenberg offers free access to over 60,000 public domain ebooks, including audiobooks. Most of the items in its collection are the full texts of books or individual stories in the public domain. All files can be accessed for free under an open format layout, available on almost any computer.

Project Gutenberg


Scribd is a subscription service that provides members access to millions of audiobooks, ebooks, magazines, comics, and sheet music selections. One advantage that Scribd has over Audible is its extensive collection of articles from the world’s leading newspapers. Whereas regular web users have to log in to an account and pay a subscription for many articles from leading papers like the Guardian, The Independent, and the New York Times, Scribd gives you access to a huge collection of articles, all included in their monthly fee.

There are, of course, some downsides. Their audiobook library is good but nowhere near as extensive as Audible’s. They still have some great classic titles and some new releases, but there are some popular bestsellers that you won’t find at Scribd. Another potential downside is that, unlike Audible, you won’t get to keep your audiobooks once your subscription ends. You are effectively renting each audiobook rather than purchasing it outright

Scribd Audiobooks

Apple Books

If you’re an Apple user across the board, then Apple Books is a particularly great option to listen to audiobooks free online stream and offline. You can download every audiobook you buy directly to your Apple Watch and listen with ease wherever you like, be it working out in the gym, in the car, or chilling at home on the couch. iCloud also allows you to share your audiobook purchases across all of your Apple devices, so they’re with you wherever, whenever.

There’s no monthly subscription fee or contracts involved in Apple Books, instead, it’s basically one big online store, so you can pay as you go. There are also comprehensive free previews of each book, so you can test the waters to see if it’s right for you before you make a purchase. It might also come as no surprise that, compared with other services, Apple Books are generally more expensive. If you’re someone who already listens to a lot of audiobooks, then you’ll likely find it cheaper to stick with a subscription service like Audible. If you’re a light reader, and you’re firmly in the Apple family, then Apple Books is a no-brainer.

These services offer a range of free audiobooks for listeners to enjoy, from classic literature to contemporary works. Whether you're a book lover on a budget or just looking to explore new titles, they are a great resource for free audiobook streaming.

Part 5. Best Way to Listen to Audible Books for Free Offline

Now you’re familiar with the best options on your market. Finding the right audiobook subscription service shouldn’t be tough, no matter how niche your taste in literature is. Each featured audiobook service has its pros and cons. Consider this when you're looking at various services - do they have an app, is it available for the devices you want to listen on, and does it function as it should? You don't want it to be a chore listening to these books, so the easier you can make it, the better.

Audible is unquestionably the biggest name in the audiobook space. If you have a Windows or Mac computer and want to convert Audible AA/AAX audiobooks to MP3 to play anywhere for free, AMusicSoft Audible Converter is a perfect choice.

AMusicSoft Audible Converter is a software tool designed to remove DRM protection from Audible audiobooks and convert them to popular audio formats, such as MP3, WAV, AAC, and FLAC. This tool enables users to listen to their Audible audiobooks on any device without any subscription plan, including devices that are not supported by the Audible app.

One of the primary benefits of AMusicSoft Audible Converter is that it can preserve the original quality of the audiobook during the conversion process. This ensures that listeners can enjoy their audiobooks with the same level of quality as they would when listening to them through the Audible app.

Additionally, the software is easy to use, with a simple and user-friendly interface. Users can select their desired output format, choose the output quality, and start the conversion process with just a few clicks. The software also supports batch conversion, allowing users to convert multiple audiobooks at once, saving time and effort.

Another advantage of AMusicSoft Audible Converter is its ability to convert audiobooks at high speeds. Here’s how to use it to listen to audiobooks free online stream or offline:

  • Head into the official AMusicSoft website and then download the Audible Converter application.

Free Download Free Download

  • Once the tool is completely downloaded and launched, upload the downloaded Audible books by just dragging and dropping the entire files into the converter.

Adds Audible Books To The Program

  • Then select one output format and allot an output folder.

Select The Output Format And Folder

  • The next step is to tap the Convert button and wait until the process is done.

Click On The Convert Button

Part 6. To Sum It All Up

In conclusion, audiobooks have become an increasingly popular way to enjoy books, and with the rise of audiobook streaming, it's never been easier to access them. By utilizing the audiobook services for audiobook streaming and following the tips outlined in this article, you can find and listen to audiobooks free online stream or offline.

However, one limitation of audiobook streaming is that it often comes with DRM protection, which can make it difficult to listen to your audiobooks on different devices. This is where a tool like AMusicSoft Audible Converter comes in handy. With its ability to remove DRM protection and convert audiobooks to popular audio formats, it can make your listening experience more convenient and enjoyable.

Free Download Free Download

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