Apple Music がアルバムを分割する理由とは? 簡単な解決策はここに!

ロバート・ファブリー著 最終更新日: 28 年 2025 月 XNUMX 日

Have you ever experienced a point where your songs from iTunes or Apple Music are split even they come from the same album? It might disrupt the flow of your music experience because you have spend many time to organize your music albums. In this article, we will explore why Apple Music splitting albums and provide some of the ways you can choose to fix the problem and make scattered albums organized.

コンテンツガイド Part 1. Why Has iTunes/Apple Music Split up My Albums? Part 2. How to Fix Split Albums in iTunes/Apple Music?Part 3. How to Keep Apple Music Library with Full Info? パート4:結論

Part 1. Why Has iTunes/Apple Music Split up My Albums?

Why is my Apple music splitting albums? This is an annoying problem for most music lovers who want to enjoy unlimited music listening. Here are some of the reasons that will help you get a solution.

Album having different versions

Generally, it's quite common for the record company to release different versions of some albums, because that is a great way to make more money. For example, there're various versions of 1989 by Taylor Swift, one is "Deluxe" and the other are "Taylor's Version." Other versions you might have seen are "Taylor's Version (Deluxe)" or "Karaoke" versions.

Conflicting meta information

You must be wondering how can you have different meta information for the same album. It is possible depending in the producer and the digital policy. Some of the reasons for this include:

  • When one artist is on the same album but in different versions
  • Mismatching fields that are available on the Sorting menu
  • Difference in the matching of the artist menu for both albums
  • When producers and published release different labels for the same song
  • Different in release dates of the albums

Multi lingual support confusion

Why is my Apple music splitting albums? The developer, Apple always runs translations of the albums information while running the display of the music files. That includes the artist name and the albums name. This comes in handy to have a global presence irrespective of the language difference. When your Apple Music on in US for example and your iPhone is registered in another language like Chinese or Japanese them that alone is enough to bring a split.

Part 2. How to Fix Split Albums in iTunes/Apple Music?

Now we know some reason why iTunes or Apple Music splitting albums, it is time to fix it.

方法1: Check the "Album Artist" field

If you found that the album is splitting up into two, you should check if the Album Artist tag is identical between the separated albums. Here is the simple procedure for this.

On Apple Music, right-click an album name and select Get Info. With the Detail tab selected, view or change the artist. Once the Album Artist field is consistent, the separate albums should be grouped into one specific album.

Check Album Artist

On your iTunes, search for the separated albums that share the same artist name. Right click the album, select "Album Info". Click on the Details option. Rename the Album Artist field for the individual album if the Album Artist field isn't consistent for all tracks in the album. Finally, click "OK" to save the changes.

Check iTunes Album Artist

方法2: Uncheck the Compilation Option

If the Artist tags are identical in both splitting albums but the issue remains, try unchecking the Compilation box and see if it can help you solve the problem of Apple Music splitting albums. You can find the Compilation option on song info page.

Uncheck Compilation Option

方法3: Turn off Sync Library/iCloud Music Library

Sync Library/iCloud Music Library is Apple's service for storing your personal music library online by "matching" your tracks to songs listed on the iTunes Store (or uploading tracks directly, if there's no match available). So you can stream and download them across devices. But sometimes, this sync process can lead to incorrect or missing song metadata and incorrect song matching. In this case, we need to turn off this feature to avoid issue of Apple Music splitting albums on your device.

Turn Off Sync Library

あなたは興味があるかもしれません: Apple Music の Sync Library とは何ですか?

方法4: Remove and Redownload the Music Album

Another method that might work is to delete the separated music albums from iTunes or Apple Music, and then re-add them.

Part 3. How to Keep Apple Music Library with Full Info?

While dealing with the frustrating issue of Apple music splitting albums, users may encounter others challenges with their music content in iTunes and Apple Music. To effectively manage these contents and gain more control over your music library with complete info, consider using a powerful tool like AMusicSoft Apple Music コンバータ.

AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter is an optimal partner that makes the most of your Apple Music benefits. This top-rated software enables you to download as many songs, albums, playlists, and mixes as want from Apple Music with lossless quality.

Meanwhile, it will keep the meta info, for instance, album artwork covers to help you easily manage the library of unlimited tracks. What's better, it will remove DRM protections so that you can enjoy the best playback forever on any device even if you the subscription expires. With an in-built player, it takes one button to Apple MusicファイルをMP3に変換する, MP4, FLAC, M4A, WAV, and other common audio formats at up to 5x speed. All of these formats can be played easily on all devices owned by you. So you can enjoy music from any music player even if the Apple Music app not working on your device.

ステップ 1: ダウンロード ボタンを押すだけで、公式 Web サイトから AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter アプリケーションを入手できます。ダウンロードが完了したら、インストールを続行してください。

無料ダウンロード 無料ダウンロード

ステップ 2: Launch the AMusicSoft Apple Music Converter and its built-in Apple Music web player will load your music library automatically. Then add music you want to download offline to the interface.

AMusicSoftにApple Musicを追加する

ステップ 3: AMusicSoft でサポートされている出力形式には、MP3、FLAC、WAV、AAC、AC3、M4A が含まれます。使用する形式を XNUMX つ選択し、ファイルを保存する保存先フォルダーを選択します。

AMusicSoft MP3 Apple Musicをダウンロード

ステップ 4: 「変換」ボタンをクリックすると、最大 3 倍の速度で Apple Music の曲を MP5 に変換し始めます。間もなく、DRM フリーの Apple Music の曲を入手して、好きな場所で再生できるようになります。

Apple MusicをMP3に変換する


After going over the workable solutions above, you'll solve the Apple Music splitting albums issue. Moreover, if you want to leverage your Apple Music subscription, AMusicSoft Apple Music コンバータ will be your great helper to download unlimited Apple Music songs with full album info.

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